Award for exemplary construction
The layout of the design is based on an ideal workflow on the site. The building can be enlarged by taking the additional ground option. The straight and pain architectural language completely fits to the company’s philosophy of Bayer Feinwerk.
High-class furniture is going through the whole project, starting with the parquet (in the offices and the production) up to the custom-made entrance counter and tea kitchen – everything suiting a clear colour concept. Even the WCs and changing rooms have been designed in this manner in order to avoid different qualities for blue and white collars. To create a perfect working atmosphere is the declared goal of Bayer Feinwerk.
Merz architects were asked to do the overall design concept, i.e. architecture, interior design and external works. Thus it was possible to tune all elements perfectly with regard to function and design. The appearance is “all of a piece”.
The bottom plate and columns were made in reinforced concrete. The whole façade was erected with prefabricated wooden elements. The two-storey core with visible massive wood got an oil-impregnation.
A distinctive feature is the newly developed construction with ALUCOBOND® cladding on a wooden instead of an aluminium substructure. This construction detail was developed by MERZ architects together with 3A Composites and the executing carpenter. For this construction method a classical carpenter’s workshop is able to independently fabricate the substructure and work economically.
On basis of this construction detail 3A Composites has asked for technical approval and took it into the processing guidelines.
Energy – Ecology & Economy.
Besides high economic efficiency high energetic outcome was achieved with regard to the effort. The building needs 30% less energy as stated in the German energy saving regulation just by its high insulation – no need for higher heating effort. The result is saving in winter and highly pleasant room temperature in summer – a base for efficient work. In addition the roof was used for photovoltaic elements following the ecological design idea.
The building got an award for exemplary construction of the architectural association of Baden-Württemberg 2013.
Statement of the jury:
It is not possible to build a more beautiful production and administration building of 856 m². Besides the clean, smooth attractive glass façade with a small aesthetic bridge to the entrance into the offices the exterior design fits the tidy building – everything makes sense! The continuous parquet create an excellent ambience and the high insulation value and the photovoltaic facilty provide an excellent ecologic balance. Here, work is marvelous.
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